Injury classification based on classified
Classification describes:
Closing injury is influenced by:
1. Debridement
Injury classification based on classified
- Degree of contamination (clean, contaminated, infected)
- The extent of tissue damage
- Mechanism:
- Trauma, chemical, thermal, electrical, radiation
- Injuries hit high / low velocity
Classification describes:
- Degrees of damage
- Penyulit possibilities that will arise
- Actions that must be done immediately
Closing injury is influenced by:
- Degree of contamination
- The risk of infection
- Injury Type
- Is there a missing tissue (tissue loss or defect)
1. Debridement
- The most important (Best solution for polution is dilution)
- Principle 3E (exploration, non-vital tissue excision, evacuation of foreign objects)
- Antibiotics can not replace
- Minimum of 10 liters copy
- Do without a strong pressure (washed)
- Dilution is the solution for polution
- Performed aseptically and antiseptics
- Swab tests done earlier cultures and resistance tests
2. Closing Injury
Primary closure criteria
3. Antibiotics
Primary closure criteria
- All the networks have no necrotik
- Good blood circulation
- Patient's general condition is stable
- Injury can be closed without the strain
- No dead space
- No multisystem injuries
- Split skin graft
- Pedicle or flap graft
- Secondary suturing (2 - 3 weeks)
- Sew without strain
- Biological dressings (homologous or heterologous)
- Leave open, regular dressing, wound inspection, delayed suture
3. Antibiotics
- Can not replace debridement
- Parenteral
- Broad-spectrum, hypoallergenic
- Adequate blood serum