Wednesday, March 3, 2010

BLS (Basic Life Support) AND CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resucitation)

2 System (Part) In The Human Body Main
  1. Breath System
  2. Circulatory system
 Human Body
  1. Storing Food In several Sunday 
  2. Saving Water In a few days 
  3. Saving Oxygen Within a few minutes.
2 Respiration Components Are:
  1. Mouth and Nose 
  2. Pharing, 
  3. Epiglottis 
  4. Larynx 
  5. Tracheal 
  6. Bronchus 
  7. Lung 
  8. Diafrahma & Respiratory muscle aids
Circulation System  Compoents Are:
  1. Heart 
  2. Blood vessels (3 Sources) 
  3. Blood 
Clinical Dead
At the time of patient examination found no bleeding system function and respiratory system (Reversible)

Biologically DeadCell death / tissue permanent nature. In humans the most rapid damage occurs in the brain (Irreversible)

The signs must die:a. Bruised corpseb. Rigor mortisc. Decayd. Other signs: fatal injury.
4 components of the chain of survivala. The speed of the requests for assistanceb. Heart lung resuscitation (CPR)c. Defibrilasid. HELP living information

3 components of the Basic Life Supporta. A (airway control): penguasan airwayb. B (Breathing Support): CPRc. C (Circulatory Suport) circulatory assistance (external heart massage) and stop the bleeding big.

2 main causes of airway obstruction
  • tongue (in adults with no response)
  • Foreign body (in infants and small children)
2 different ways to open airway
  • Engineering chin-press his forehead (if there is no head trauma, neck, spine).
  • furtherance jaw thrust maneuver
I check my breath
  • By way LLF (Look, Listen, Feel) for 3-5 seconds.
2 techniques to clear the airway
  • Placing the recovery position
  • finger sweep
Recognizing the airway obstruction
  • Partial Obstruction: patient attempts to breathe, perhaps accompanied by an additional breath sounds like a thrashing, snoring, mouth, etc..
  • Obstruction Total: people with difficulty breathing and eventually would lose consciousness
How to overcome the blockage of the airway in the patientTotal airway obstruction can be overcome with Heimlich Manuveur, namely:
  • stomping stomach: the location of compression in the mid-rib of the meeting right / left with the navel.
  • pounding his chest: the location of compression in the mid-sternum

CPR basic principles CPR Technique 2: i. Using mouth helper:
  1. CPR mouth to mask
  2. mouth to the protection equipment
  3. mouth to mouth / nose
ii. Using the tools: pocket mask berkatup (BVM / Bag Valve Mask) Danger to the helper in the gift of breath from mouth to mouth;
  1. spread of disease
Chemical contamination 
  1. patient vomit
Artificial breathing frequency Untk granting each patient age group.
  • Adults: 10-12 x respiratory / min, each 1.5-2 seconds
  • Children (1-8 years): 20 x breath / min, respectively 1-1.5 seconds
  • Infants (0-1 years): more than 20 x breath / minute, each second 1-1.5
  • Newborns: 40 x breath / min, respectively 1-1.5 seconds
Adequate respiratory signs, lack of adequate and not breathing i. Adequate respiratory signs:
  • chest and abdomen up and down with respiratory sirama
  • The patient was comfortable
  • Frequency enough (12-20x/menit)
ii. Lack of adequate respiratory signs:
  • poor chest movement
  • There is an additional breathing
  • Working auto ventilator
  • cyanosis (bluish skin)
  • Frequency of breath less / excess
  • mental status changes
iii. Signs not breathing:
  • There is no movement of the chest / abdomen
  • There was no air flow through the mouth / nose
  • There were gusts of breath from the mouth / nose.
Basic principles Circulation Help Help circulation done by external cardiac massage, external cardiac massage depth:
  • Adults: 4 - 5 cm
  • Children and infants: 3 - 4 cm
  • Infants: 1.5 to 2.5 cm
Principle Heart Lung Resuscitate (CPR) Action CPR is a combination of the three components A, B, and C. Before performing CPR, the helper must ensure:
  • No response
  • There is no breath
  • There is no pulse
Base CPR must be hard and flat
a. Ratio of 2 types of CPR i. Adults known ratio 2:
  • 2 helper: 30:2 (30 times out of a heart massage, 2 times a hoot) per cycle
  • 1 helper: 30:2 (30 times out of a heart massage, 2 times a hoot) per silkus
ii. Child and infant known only 1 ratio: 5:1 (5 times out of a heart massage, 1 time blowing) per silkus 

b. Emphasis on the principle of heart massage for Foreign External cardiac massage can be done because the heart is located between the sternum and spine. Location padaPijat cardiac massage points out: i. Adults: 2 fingers above the bottom rack of the meeting right / left, using 2 hands. ii. Children: 2 fingers above the bottom rack of the meeting right / left, using 1 hand. iii. Infants: 1 finger below the imaginary line between the nipples baby, using 2 fingers (middle finger and ring finger)
c. 6 signs CPR performed properly i. When performing external cardiac massage, get someone carotid pulse rate, if there is pressure pulse so we pretty well. ii. Chest movement up / down very well as providing assistance breathing. iii. Reaction pupils may return to normal iv. Patient skin color gradually returned to improve v. There may be swallowing reflexes and moves vi. Nadi will beat again

d. 5 kinds of complications that can occur in CPR i. Broken sternum / ribs ii. Leaking of the lungs (pneumothorak) iii. Bleeding in the lungs / chest cavity (hemothorak) iv. Cuts and bruises in the lungs v. Tear in the liver
e. 4 circumstances in which action to stop CPR i. patients recovered ii. helper fatigue iii. taken over by the same power or more trained iv. if there are signs must die